Searching for Someday Read online

Page 11

  Interesting. Kate wondered if that was another reason Slade was so keen on only being involved with a career woman who owned her business. She sipped her drink, enjoying the sweetness of basil, the chill of the ice, and the sting of alcohol blending together.

  "What's your accounting firm called, Kate?" Travis asked.


  She froze, the name slipping out too fast for her to backtrack. Travis cocked his head. "Odd name for an accounting company, isn't it?"

  Slade tightened his fingers around his glass. He opened his mouth to rescue her, but she'd always hated the formulaic princes on horseback. She preferred the princesses who slayed the damn dragons themselves. "Kind of like connect the dots to your refund. A play on words."

  Everyone laughed. She took another sip. God, the drink was good. She ignored her companion's warning glance and ordered another. One more wouldn't hurt, especially with the amount of meat she was about to feast on. "Clever," Melody drawled. "And how did you two meet?"

  "I needed an accountant, of course," Slade said. "Thank goodness it only took me two visits to get her to accept my dinner invitation. She's quite expensive."

  "I bet she is," Samuel murmured.

  Her gaze narrowed. He was sizing the two of them up, as if he sensed there was something underneath the surface of a newly dating couple. Kate sucked in a breath and vowed--no matter how much Slade pissed her off--to help him gain entrance into the inner circle for partnership. "It's like we're meant to be, isn't it, darling?" she cooed, staring up at him from under her lashes.

  He quickly covered his surprise. "Yes."

  "How long has it been?" Samuel asked.

  "A month," Slade answered.

  His brow shot up. "Thinking of going permanent so soon, Slade?" His voice rippled like an oily snake. "You always seemed to equate marriage with funerals. Or so you've said in the conference rooms."

  Slade lifted a shoulder. "I never met Kate," he said simply. "One of the benefits of being older is when you finally meet the right woman, you don't need the same amount of time to figure it out. You just know."

  A shudder racked her body. His words cut deep, with a need for them to be real that scared her on a gut level. What was happening to her? She acted so strangely in his presence, as if the false words that fell from his lips were real. As if they were meant for her. Kate forced a smile as the older couples nodded, as if reliving their own memories. She also noticed Samuel's features tighten. Take that.

  Bob lifted his hand. "I'm happy for you, Slade. You know I believe my partners should have a solid family life, or the hours in the office chew you up and spit you out. And I may have good news for you, Kate. I've been looking for a new accountant. With retirement looming, I've gotten contradictory statements on IRAs versus mutual funds versus bonds. Some of my investors are telling me to buy gold instead of trusting the economy. What are you advising for your clients now?"

  Kate froze. Holy shit. She didn't know a mutual fund from a checking account. She left the major math to Arilyn and her geekness, and rarely got involved with investments. Slade chuckled. "No worries, Bob. I'm sure she can give you the inner workings later. I'll talk with you about setting up an appointment."

  "Sounds good. But honestly, what's your opinion on that, Kate?"

  Everyone stared.

  She cleared her throat. The hell with it. She tried to remember a few of Arilyn's musings on the financial world. "I've been pushing my clients toward the stock market lately. Plenty of risk factors which equal growth."

  Bob frowned. "Now, that I haven't heard. I just got slammed on some cash cows, and I'm not happy about it. What are you suggesting?"

  She twisted the napkin on her lap and reached for calm. "Matchmaking agencies," she burst out.

  Melody leaned forward. "Like that woman on Bravo? The one with the reality TV show where she matches millionaires?"

  Kate nodded. "Yes, but newer agencies are storming the market and will be the next big thing after social media."

  Travis shook his head. "I took a hosing on Facebook. No more of that for me."

  "Love is the biggest commodity people are searching for," Kate said. "People don't have the time to date or figure things out for themselves. Matchmaking agencies are the perfect vehicle to transcend the dating world, way beyond eHarmony and internet sites. A personalized approach is key, and very affordable. I think it's the next big thing."

  "Fascinating," Bob said. "Slade, you've got a smart woman here. I'm going to look into this first thing Monday morning, after I make an appointment to see you in the office."

  Kate beamed.

  HE WAS GOING TO strangle her.

  Slade kept a tight grip on his calm which shook ferociously under the storm that was Kate Seymour. He ducked his head and concentrated on his meal in order to give himself a few minutes to recollect his sanity. When he called her, he realized he was taking a big chance but saw no other options. He needed a date, and she owed him. With their business relationship, he'd almost be guaranteed she'd go along with the charade without a hitch. Oh, she went along alright. He was in a shit storm of trouble on Monday.

  She completely charmed everyone at the table. She wielded her razor wit and sarcasm with a polished edge of humor that his bosses adored. The women who initially stared with suspicion now seemed open and laughing. She encouraged them to ignore the calories and drink with her, and now Slade sat at a table with slightly intoxicated women. He worried Bob and Travis may think she pushed too far, but they seemed amused and delighted by their wives' too-loud conversation and revelry.

  Course after course of meat was served in an endless march of vegetarian hell--pork, lamb, steak, and chicken, all sliced lean, piping hot, and so fresh he would have sworn the farm was in the backyard. Each customer was given a place card, and when it was turned, the waiter swooped in and refilled plates and drinks. Slade couldn't believe the massive appetite Kate exhibited, consistently roaring through plates and flipping her card so it became a running joke at the table.

  His charade had completely backfired. Instead of fighting him, Kate threw herself into the role of accountant, citing her fake famous father who ruled the courthouses, and even promising Melody to get her out of a speeding ticket. What the hell? How was he going to explain this week when Bob couldn't find her office, and Melody had no idea what court judge to go to? His temper stretched through each course while she relaxed, ate, drank, wrecked his life, and lied her way with enjoyment.

  Yet, he wanted her.

  Badly. From the moment she stepped out of the car and glided his way with her usual frosty demeanor, he'd been smacked between the eyes like a punch from a bad slapstick comedy.

  She ruined him.

  The legs usually hidden behind her pantsuit were killer--all sleek muscle and length, with high sexy sandals that had delicious straps crisscrossing up her ankle. The simple dress did everything to be subtle, so it was the most seductive garment to a man's gaze. The blinding blue of draping silk fabric moved with every step, highlighting the full curve of her breasts, the swing of hip, the silhouette of her ass. Her shimmery blond hair hung pin straight with long curves of bangs that played peekaboo with her sultry eyes. She was fire and ice, hot and cold, onyx and pearl, and his dick rose to attention like a new recruit in the military saluting his commander.

  He'd been targeted for seduction by much more beautiful women. Professional models, pampered socialites, and surgically enhanced actresses. His occupation, looks, and wealth cast a wide net, but never had he felt completely coldcocked as he did the first time he saw Kate. But it was so much more than looks. The moment he caught sight of her, a rocketing sexual energy flowed between them, refusing to be calmed. It was if the universe were forcing them together. Her taste haunted him: hot and sweet and melt-in-your-mouth spun sugar. Her feisty attitude challenged him, her humor entranced him, and he needed to dig deep until he solved the puzzle before him. Behind the shell was a shattering disappointment that awaited disco
very. He knew it, accepted it, and still needed to pursue the path until satisfied. It was the only way to claim back his power, by reminding himself there was no such thing as perfection or a soul mate. For God's sake, she smoked pot. And she had the nerve to deny it, wrinkling her nose like he was dirt under her feet and she was the Queen of Sheba.

  He loved every minute of her brashness.

  Kate jerked his body inside out, but it was woven within her core. She had no idea of the sensual punch she gave out. In fact, she avoided him at all costs, not wanting to even play the game. And that intrigued him much more than anyone he'd ever met before. For the first time, he was the pursuer, and the old instincts sparked to life, hidden under layers upon layers of civility.

  Own. Possess. Mate. Dominate.

  Obviously, he craved the chase. So be it. Time to test her own resolve not to get involved with him, and see if he could change the verdict.

  Unless the mysterious Robert became a problem.

  Irritation bristled his nerves. He needed details. His gut told him they weren't living together, though she was quick to throw his name out when threatened. The idea of her sleeping with someone else made him want to howl at the moon and run around in circles. Quite primeval.

  Slade laid out the rest of his plan for the evening. She may have started the game, but he was about to finish it. Her own actions of heavy drinking throughout the evening only confirmed the trap she'd now set for herself. And if Robert was up waiting for her, perhaps they'd have a chat.

  Slade spoke up. "Darling, we'd better get going. It's late and I'm sure you're exhausted."

  She caught his intent immediately and tossed him a cheeky grin. "I'm actually having a wonderful time. Must have caught my second wind. Another round, ladies?"

  The women lifted their glasses. Slightly drunken laughter emitted from the table. Slade winked at his boss and played the man card. "As happy as I am that you're having a wonderful time, darling, I'm looking forward to getting you home. Now."

  Her eyes widened slightly at his not-so-hidden meaning. Travis and Bob chuckled and shot him a knowing glance. "I think that settles it. We'll join you; I believe Slade has the right idea, ladies."

  He didn't wait for Kate to gain the upper hand. With deft, economical motions, he helped her tug on her fur coat and led her out the door within the safety of his business crew. It didn't take long to say their good-byes and pick up his car from the garage. She remained silent by his side, and he took advantage of her docile manner to get her safely buckled in and headed out of the city.

  "I didn't appreciate the way you ended the evening," she finally stated. Her voice held the prim tone of a purebred snob. "Your comment was quite crude."

  He shook his head. "Funny, I didn't appreciate you showing up high, getting my bosses' wives drunk, and the endless stream of lies you spun at the table."

  Her head jerked around. Those baby blues filled with hot anger and something else. Something he swore he'd push toward the edge to see what would finally escape. "I told you I wasn't high. And that's what you get for being a bully. Besides, I did everything you wanted. I played your respectable accountant, the doting lover, and got them to relax in the process. Too bad for you if you thought I'd be boring to boot."

  "I asked you to pretend for a few hours, not live the role so my boss will be wondering where your Park Avenue office is, and Melody won't show up for court because your nonexistent father is dropping the charges."

  Kate sniffed. "I was only doing what you ordered. No more, no less. Our agreement is now terminated, with your clauses fulfilled, and I don't want to hear any further threats concerning lawsuits."

  He shot a glance at her. She seemed in control, but her fingers twisted in her lap like a gnarled tree branch. "Agreed. You technically held up your part of the bargain. So, how long have you and Robert been together?"

  She stiffened. "A few years."

  "Does he live with you?"

  "I'm your matchmaker and you have no need to know about my personal life."

  "Just curious. You seem worried about him being alone a lot. Does he keep you on a short leash?"

  "No, I keep him on one."

  "Maybe that's your problem. I wouldn't make that mistake."

  She spluttered and turned a shocked gaze toward him. "You're outrageous. I wouldn't let any man control my actions, especially you. Wait a minute: you never said in our session you wanted a woman you can lead around. Have you changed your requirements? If so, I need to make some adjustments in your matches."

  Ah, crap, he was officially nuts about her. The stubborn way she clung to business though her body showed all the signs of fighting her physical attraction made her even more desirable. She hunched into that fur jacket as if she could hide her hardened nipples. Instead, her rapid pulse and the way she squeezed her thighs together in punishment told him all he needed to know. "Let's just say I'd change the rules for you. You wouldn't appreciate a man to walk all over. He'd need to be strong enough to stand up to you."

  He waited for her mouthy comeback, but her obvious surprise told him his words intrigued her. Would she be greedy and demanding and vocal in bed? Or would she melt into his arms and be sweetly submissive to every dark, dirty command he wanted to give her?

  "W-w-w-well, we don't have to worry about that, do we? You'll reschedule your date with Hannah and give it a valid chance. No disguised business dinners. Why are we going on the bridge?"

  "I'm taking you home."

  "No! My car is parked at your house and I need it."

  He merged onto the Tappan Zee Bridge and sped through the dark on a mission. "You've been drinking. I don't know what type of man you pegged me for, but I don't let a woman drive herself this late when she's tipsy. I'll arrange to get your car to you first thing tomorrow."

  Her mouth opened, then shut. "This is out of your way. You don't know where I live."

  "Of course I do. Close to Kinnections in Verily."

  She bristled with indignation. "Stop nosing around in my life, counselor. You shouldn't know these things."

  He dropped his voice. "I disagree. And I intend to know a hell of a lot more by the end of the evening."

  She shuddered, wrapped her arms around her chest, and turned toward the window. Slade fought a smile.

  They drove to her house in sulky silence. He'd done his research, and had no problem navigating the twisty streets of Verily, until he came to the edge of town close to the water. The small bungalow seemed to fit her. Even in the darkness, her home owned a slight quirkiness and strength he associated with her, with its crooked roof, cheerful yellow paint, and postage-stamp yard with a big weeping willow dominating the front.

  He didn't spot another car in the driveway as he eased to the curb, but the porch and living room lights were on. "Here we go. Safe and sound."

  She shot out of the car like a bullet, spilling onto the sidewalk in a tangle of limbs. "Thanks for the ride, talk tomorrow." She hurried up the front walk without a glance back.

  Slade grinned. Shut the door, locked the car, and strode leisurely up the brick pathway.

  She jerked her head around. "What are you doing?"

  "Seeing you to the door. Can I use the bathroom, please?"

  She narrowed her gaze. He wondered what those ocean-blue eyes would look like during orgasm. "There's a gas station around the corner."

  He lifted a brow. "You're telling me I'm not allowed to come into your house to use the bathroom after driving you home? I'm also thirsty."

  "They sell bottled water."

  "Kate." Her name shot from his lips like a caress, though he intended it to sound like a warning. "Don't make me beg."

  Her fingers clutched around the key and a vicious curse sailed past his ears. "Fine. Bathroom, water, and then you need to leave. I'm exhausted."

  "Thank you."

  She pushed the door open and he walked inside.

  Slade prepared to meet an irritated man with a bad temper and a thousand questions.
His adrenaline spiked, ready for a confrontation. Ready for some solid answers on the woman who was beginning to wreak havoc with his sanity. But no one greeted them. At least, no one human.

  He caught sight of a blur of fur barreling forward and a joyous bark. Kate dropped to her knees, lifted out her hands, and caught the creature within her embrace. She nuzzled his ears, cooed in doggy sounds, and finally laid her forehead against the dog's as if they shared a secret, silent mental code.


  Son of a bitch.

  The initial anger quickly gave way to relief. There was no one else waiting on the sidelines for her. The final obstacle melted away and left him with one conclusion that would not be denied.

  Slade intended to claim her.

  He studied the canine-human embrace and noticed Robert's back legs were lifeless. His launch toward his owner was completed on his belly, and his rear sagged to the ground. Half pit bull, half some weird mix. Brown, spotted, with a broken ear, homely face, and an assortment of wicked scars, including a bald patch of fur right on his chest. The exposed skin still looked raw, though he bet it had healed as well as possible. Cage fight? Car? Dog battle? The possibilities were endless.

  He always had an inclination toward dogs but never had the time to pursue the interest. This one had to be a hell of a lot of work, especially for a single business owner. He pegged her for a classic, low-maintenance Lab to go running with and not a dog so obviously needy.

  A strange emotion tightened his chest as he watched the raw love on her face. She was always so guarded around him. He ached to be the man who she looked at like that. Now where the hell did that thought come from?

  "I'm sorry, baby," she whispered into his ear. "Are you going to be able to pee? Or am I too late? Mommy did a bad thing and stayed way too long. I should've had Shelly check in on you." With gentle, expert motions, she ran her hands down his flank, belly, and probed his bladder. "We have a shot, so let's try. Wanna go out?"

  Robert barked once.

  "Okay, here we go." She took out a contraption that looked like a cart, and quickly attached the straps to his body. Robert waited with dignity, staring up at him with the assessing gaze Slade had expected her live-in boyfriend to exude.