Searching for Always Page 20
Well, she didn't know.
Arilyn pressed on the energy points on her wrist to open up the chakras. Stress was beginning to block up her channels, and that wouldn't be a good start to her day. "I don't know, Kate. Why is dating so damn confusing?"
"Because we're dating men," Kennedy offered. "Invite him. You're at the bridal table anyway, we'll all have dates, and there's room to squeeze one more in."
"But it's in a few days!"
"Even better. Spring it on him before he has too much time to analyze."
"Please, A," Kate urged. "Just ask him."
Arilyn nibbled on her lip. "Okay. I'll try."
"Good." Kate jumped up from the chair. "I can't believe on Saturday I'll be married. You're all set to take Robert Friday?"
Arilyn nodded. "I have the house all set up for him. Poppy's going to walk him in the afternoon. I have the vet on call, and I promise to text you twice a day with updates. You just need to enjoy St. Lucia."
Kate smiled. "Thanks. You guys are the best." She began to tear up, and Kennedy groaned, tugging her hand toward the door.
"No more crying, I can't take it anymore. We need to save ourselves for the ultimate breakdown on the wedding day or we'll have nothing left."
Kate sniffed. "You're right. Thanks for being the bitch in the relationship, Ken."
Arilyn laughed as her friends disappeared. Now all she had to do was take their advice and ask Stone Petty to the wedding.
Her heart beat so hard it almost exploded out of her chest. Half of her prayed he'd just beg off with a polite excuse and they'd never mention it again.
But it was the other half that hoped he'd say yes that disturbed her the most.
LATER THAT DAY, SHE was still trying to get the courage up to ask him after anger management class. Ugh. Like a prom date after the bell rang. She was humiliated.
She walked through Animals Alive and checked on her crew. They came to the shelter for a session once a week to walk and socialize the dogs. Luther and Eli seemed enthusiastic about returning, but Stone seemed stressed. She wondered if he was still leery about being around the dogs, even though he had done well with Pinky last week.
Anthony was giving them a lecture on the horses, so she decided to allow Stone to move to the carriage house. It was hard dealing with a dog bite from childhood and not fair for her to push him. She paused at the door and studied them. They worked hard, and she'd seen some huge leaps with Luther and Eli regarding their anger. With half the course behind them, the next three weeks would consist of drilling in the proper techniques they'd been learning.
Her gaze greedily took in Stone. The familiar Yankees cap was perched on his head. Today, his wardrobe consisted of a long-sleeved blue T-shirt proclaiming I GOT YOUR BACK. The kicker was the stick figure sketched out with no back. Total guy humor. His jeans were so tight and worn, Arilyn wondered if he'd had them for the past decade and refused to get rid of them. His five-o'clock shadow mixed with his goatee and added to that almost dangerous, criminal look he did so well.
Now she knew how his beard scratched against her skin. How soft his lips were, and how his experienced tongue drove into her mouth. She knew the hard strength of his thighs anchoring her to the wall, and the delicious grace of those fingers when he skimmed her bare skin. She knew that his ass, which was perfectly on display right now in those jeans, was as tight and firm as it looked.
She wanted to know so much more.
She refocused. Her students were all gazing at her, waiting for an answer when she hadn't heard Anthony's question. "Sorry?"
Stone gave her a slow, smug smile, as if he knew she'd been caught staring at his ass. She fought a blush. "Everyone's ready. Luther wants to go to the horse stalls today, so I'll oversee him if you'd like."
"Great. Stone, you can follow them. Eli, why don't you go ahead and check which dogs need working."
Anthony motioned Stone and Luther toward the door. "I'll catch up with you two in a minute. Can I talk to you for a minute, A?"
"Sure." She turned her back on Stone's ferocious frown, wondering what had suddenly pissed him off, and grabbed some dog treats. "What's up?"
Her stomach tightened. She'd been hoping the dog would be better, but it was a slow process. Her breakdowns around the other dogs in the kennel made it difficult to rehabilitate her, especially with so little space. Anthony pushed his fingers through his hair with frustration. "I gotta be honest. I have the word out to other shelters to take her in, but so far, no offers. I lost my behaviorist, and we're looking to rehire. I can't keep her too much longer. Can you foster her until things calm down?"
Arilyn bit her lip. "I can't. I'm watching my friend's dog for the next two weeks and my place is too small to keep them separated. What about the Trumans? Can they take her?"
Anthony shook his head. "Nope, they already took three in. My fosters are filled up, and I'm out of room. I can squeeze a few more days, but then I have to put her somewhere."
She dug her fingers into her neck to try to ease away the muscle ache. What was she going to do? They couldn't advertise too publicly because she'd literally stolen her. She racked her brain for candidates, but not one came up. "Let me work on this. Maybe I can find someone to get her off the grid for a while until we come up with a solution."
"Okay. I'm sorry. I know you took a risk saving her. Look, even if I have to ship her out of state, we'll make sure she stays safe."
Arilyn knew that with dogs this severely traumatized, sometimes the journey didn't go well. Time was ticking, and she needed to learn to trust someone. Her world begged for stabilization and a shred of kindness so she could reset and decide if she wanted to fight.
Arilyn sensed Pinky was a fighter.
Shoulders slumped, she headed out to the horse barn with Anthony to help. Luther was checking out the two horses in the stall, one blindfolded from eye surgery, the other sporting a bum leg because his owner had thrown him out after proclaiming him a useless racehorse. "Where's Stone?"
Luther shrugged. "He took off. Said he was heading somewhere else."
Anthony cocked his head. "Probably with Pinky. He's been showing up here on a daily basis--his name is always on the sign-in sheet."
Shock cut through her. "What? He's been coming on his own?"
"Yep. Our volunteer, Natalie, saw him in Pinky's cage. It's too bad he couldn't foster her--he seems to be the only one making progress with her."
"Yeah, too bad. I'll be back."
Her boots crunched on the gravel. She walked down the path, past the woods, and headed down the private road where Pinky's kennel was located. Sure enough, Stone was in the same position as last week. On the ground, back against the cage. She heard a low murmur as he spoke. Holding her breath, she moved silently over the grass until she got close.
The scene slammed in her vision.
Pinky sat in the middle of her kennel. Head cocked. There was a safe distance still between them, but she was definitely listening to his ramblings. Those dark, soulful eyes held a spark of interest, fighting to blossom.
"I told you the hamburger was better. I'll keep bringing them if you keep eating them. But you can't tell anyone or I'll get in trouble. I was supposed to be with the horses today, but I knew you'd be pissed if I missed my visit. Trust me, a female with a temper is nothing I want to deal with. I already got your mistress to handle, and she's enough for anyone."
He paused. Pinky waited. Her ears pricked.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday Devine and I finally saw some action. Sweet heaven. Found a hijacked car and got to go on a real car chase. Reminded me of the good old days in the Bronx. Man, some of that shit was fun. Ended up being some teen who stole it for a joyride, nothing serious, but damned if that didn't liven up a weeknight. Feel bad for the kid, though--he's going through a rough time, and he's got no one to look out for him. No parents, and in foster care. Like you. I know a shelter i
sn't the best place, but at least you're warm, safe, and fed, right? No one's gonna hurt you anymore. But it's not gonna be easy. You gotta fight. I can't do it for you. Up to you. Just hope you make the right decision. Hope the kid does the same."
Arilyn eased back, not making a sound, and turned the corner. Her body shook. Her throat seized up with such raw emotion, she didn't know what to do. Stone was a liar. She may have rescued Pinky, but Stone was the one who could save her. He took his precious time to come and visit. He pretended not to care about anyone or anything other than his job, but it was a facade. He cared, deeply, but he hated to show or admit it.
The possibility he could grow to care about her shook her foundation.
What was happening to her? When had their relationship turned from dislike, to passion, to a powerful liking with the hope of more?
Arilyn made her plan and waited.
STONE CHECKED TO MAKE sure the coast was clear and then snuck out of Pinky's cage. She was getting better, but like any girl, she was stubborn. Wasn't gonna come around easy. Still, he didn't mind hanging out talking for an hour. It was even better than seeing a shrink, because he was able to say whatever he wanted without judgment or being given a plan to fix him.
Pinky didn't give a shit.
He muttered under his breath about the stupid name she'd been stuck with, but at least Arilyn had had good intentions. He'd head to the horse barn, pick up a few tips, and go home for his shift.
He turned the corner and almost bumped into her.
Stone stopped short. God, she was beautiful. With her hair snagged in a casual ponytail, she wore jeans, boots, a loose jersey, and a purple scarf wrapped around her neck. Ever since their dinner that turned into pizza and a rousing game of Pictionary, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He should be obsessed with the prospect of sex, which he was, no doubt, but the fact that he had actually enjoyed himself on a date with her grandfather and senior neighbor bothered him. It screamed of an intimacy he hadn't experienced in years.
"Hi," he finally said, keeping cool. Better off to twist the truth with fiction. "Just wanted to check on Pinky. How's she doing?"
Her brow lifted. "That's nice of you. Actually, we have a big problem. I don't know what we're going to do."
"About what?"
"She can't stay here much longer. They lost the behaviorist and ran out of foster homes. She's not good with other dogs, so most other shelters are out because of the overcrowding issue."
"You can take her in, right? You said you always foster dogs."
"Usually I could, but I'm watching my friend Kate's dog for the next two weeks. She's going on her honeymoon and she needs me. His back legs are paralyzed, so he needs careful watching."
Concern hit him. "So, what happens?"
"Anthony may need to send Pinky away to a shelter out of state. It could be traumatic, but we may not have any choice. Maybe you can ask around? See if there's someone you know who could take her in?" Her voice softened and she moved closer. Her body heat shimmered and pulled him in like a wicked spell. "I can take her back after Kate returns. I need your help, Stone. Pinky deserves a shot, but she won't have it unless someone amazing steps up and helps her."
It took him a while, since his dick was in play and his response was purely physical. He opened his mouth to tell her he'd do anything for her, as long as she kept that pleading siren expression on her face that promised him the moon, the stars, and nirvana on her knees.
Then it hit him.
He was being played.
Stone hadn't graduated from the academy and worked in law enforcement by being stupid. His brain clicked back on, and he realized this whole scenario was to get him to take in Pinky.
No. Fucking. Way.
"You saw me, huh?" he muttered. "You think now I'm a big pussy and I'll take a damn dog into my house because we're into each other?"
The sexy look was wiped off her face. Besides the cute sulk on her lips, her green eyes spat fire and smoke. He fought back a grin. Damn, he liked her spunk. "Why do you have to be so crude?" she hissed. "Why do you have to do something nice and then wipe it away with a smart remark?"
"Oh, you're good. Trying to turn this one around on me so I look like the asshole. I helped cover your crime, and my role is done. It's up to you to find the rat fink a proper home."
"Don't call her that! I'm asking you to take her for just two weeks. Two lousy weeks to give her a chance at survival. Why can't you be reasonable?"
"Me? Reasonable? Woman, you didn't even ask me. Just tried to do your female mind tricks on me so I offered to help."
She huffed out a breath, shuffled her feet, and gave him the words. "Will you watch Pinky for two weeks?"
"No." She clenched her fists and squeaked. "Don't forget to breathe."
"Forget it; I was an idiot to think this could work. I'm outta here."
She turned, but he jumped in front of her, lowering his voice so no one could eavesdrop. "This works just fine. Me and you. Not me and Pinky cozied up night after night. I don't like dogs. I don't do dogs."
Her brows snapped together. "Oh, I know what you don't do, Officer. You don't do commitments. You don't do future or long-term. You don't do anything that's not easy. Forget this."
Her words stung like pebbles hitting his naked body. Is that how she saw him? Was she right? And if so, was it so wrong? He was only trying to be honest and protect them both. "Listen, I'll help you find someone. I'll ask around at the station. There are plenty of wives and girlfriends who may want to help. I just can't be the one to take her in."
"I only have two days left."
Ah, shit. Her voice did that wobbly thing that left him vulnerable. He cursed under his breath. "I'll find someone. I promise." He regretted the words the moment they left his lips, but relief flickered in her eyes, and Stone realized she trusted him. Somehow, someway, she believed him. Most didn't. Only Devine. There was no one else, and wasn't that kind of sad and pathetic? He wasn't about to let down that trust. He'd done harder stuff before. How difficult could it be to find a nice, quiet home for a small dog for two weeks?
"Thank you."
"Will you not be pissed off at me now?"
She smiled. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."
"Yeah, you may want to put that on a recording for the future. Just hit Play time and time again."
She did that half-giggle thing and completely charmed him. "I have something else to ask you."
Uh-oh. "What?"
She must have sensed his wariness, because she shifted her weight, looked at the floor, and began to babble. "Actually, it's not a big deal, and you're probably working anyway, and my friends kinda pressured me, so you can just say no."
He grinned. "Might want to tell me what it is first I'm saying no to."
"Oh! Umm . . . so . . . remember the bachelorette party? Kate's getting married this Saturday at Bear Mountain, and everyone has dates, so I figured maybe you'd want to go with me. But you don't have to."
"You want me to go to a wedding with you?" He couldn't help the surprise from leaking out. Weddings were a big deal, meeting friends and family. Getting dressed up. Putting on your best behavior for strangers. Hell, he couldn't remember the last time he attended a formal function. He had one good suit, and it would need to be dry-cleaned.
But the idea that he wasn't her dirty little secret was kind of nice.
"Only if you wanted to go," she volleyed back.
"Do you just need a date? Or do you want me to go?" He only pushed her to clarify because she looked so adorable, hating having to ask him and looking nervous about his answer. Like she gave a crap. Warmth settled in his gut, and a pleasant feeling flowed in his veins.
She gave a frustrated humph. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you to go. But I don't want you to go unless you want to go."
"You want me to want to go?"
He couldn't help it. A hearty laugh escaped his lips. "I'd love to go to the wedding with you, little o
ne. Thanks for asking."
She peered at him with suspicion. "You really want to go?"
"Don't you have to work?"
"I can take the day off. What time is the wedding?"
"Two p.m."
"One of the guys will cover for me."
"Oh, okay. Great." She chewed on her lip. "Are you sure you want to go?"
He shook his head. "I knew from the beginning you were high maintenance."
"I'm not! I flow!"
He reached out to tug at her ponytail. "Sure you do."
She growled and stomped around him. "I'm going to the horse farm. Class dismissed."
His laughter echoed in the fall air, drifting down the path after her.
Stone couldn't remember a time in his life he'd had more fun with a woman.
DEVINE, YOU GOTTA take the dog."
His partner snorted and refused to break his stride. He poured some disgusting dregs of what they called coffee into a stained mug, tossed in some sugar, and moved toward his desk. "No fucking way, man. I'm allergic."
Stone rolled his eyes at the outright lie. Propping a hip on the battered metal desk, he blocked the stacks of paperwork they were both battling through. "Bullshit. It's only for two weeks. She's so small, you won't even know she's there."
"Good, so you take her. I don't like foo-foo dogs, anyway."
"Besides her ridiculous name, she's cool. Been abused. Fighting her way back. Isn't that a story you want to star in as the hero?"
"No. Now get off my desk so I can finish this by midnight and not turn into a pumpkin. I hate paperwork. Can you get me a donut and an iced latte?"
"If you take Pinky."
"Forget it. Hey, Dunn! Get me a pumpkin donut and an iced latte, and I'll owe you!"
"You gotta do my police report, too," Tim called back from his own desk of hell.
"Fuck you! I don't know the details."
"Then fuck your pumpkin donut, Devine!"
"Fine. Give it to me. But you gotta buy, too."
Tim smirked, knowing he got the better deal. Dropping more papers on Devine's desk, he headed out the station door.
Rookie Patterson came in from his shift. Features tight with annoyance, he walked stiffly to his desk. Stone took a whiff of the air and recoiled. "What the hell is that smell?"
Patterson glared. "I'm sure you think the locker thing was funny, but I had cologne in there. When you turned it over, the bottle opened and spilled all over my damn spare uniform. I didn't have time to go and change."